WPPizza – SagePay Gateway

SagePay (now called Opoyo) Gateway for Integration with WPPizza.

Note: this is a SagePay / Opoyo form integration. I.e the user will be redirected to Opoyo to make his payment and then returned to your website.

no SSL certificate will be required on your site

for testing purposes you can use the following test cards


  • WPPizza 2.15+
  • you must (obviously) have a SagePay / Opoyo account
  • the currency set in WPPizza->Order Settings must be accepted by SagePay / Opoyo and be enabled in your SagePay / Opoyo account
  • at a minimum you must set your Vendor Name , map/assign the required SagePay / Opoyo fields to your wppizza order form formfields as well as setting up your Valid Ip’s of your server in your SagePay / Opoyo account
  • PHP >5.2. 5.3+ recommended


  • install by uploading the zip file in the normal wordpress manner from withing the plugin screen (add new->upload) and activate
  • go to wppizza->gateways and set options as required


  • install as referred to above
  • login to your SagePay/Opoyo account and go to settings->valid ip and add your servers ip address here (screenshot)
  • make sure that your currency you use on your website is enabled in your sagepay account (settings->paymethods)
  • all other settings were probably already setup when you opened your sagepay account.
  • go to wppizza->gateways , and click on “show options” next to the SagePay gateway and set values as required (screenshot)
  • save


  • if you still have problems, please enable logging and contact me at : dev[at]wp-pizza.com with the domain you are having problems with. Please attach all your logfiles (if any) that reside under the logs directory