Adding ingredients for orders has stopped working

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Adding ingredients for orders has stopped working

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      I just updated your recent new wppizza plugins. Now adding ingredients on the order online page has stopped working. I am going through custom groups listed on the page and it has stopped. Visit here: Not sure why this has happened. Any idea?


        I just updated your recent new wppizza plugins. Now adding ingredients on the order online page has stopped working. I am going through custom groups listed on the page and it has stopped. Visit here: Not sure why this has happened. Any idea?

        Admin & Mod

          looking at it.
          throws a javascript error, but right now not sure where its coming from
          (says something like

          Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function
          somewhere here it seems

          /**/) {
          return wppizzaCartCommentToggle(term);

          not sure why (did you add/edit any js anywhere ?
          could you also – at least once now – clear the cache on that page ?

          Admin & Mod

            also , which version did you update from btw ? (if you remember)


              I saw two wppizza updates today and I did the updates. However, it is a huge problem now. I am having no problem with my wordpress attached pages. It is like when we were having the trouble before. The ingredient option only fails when I use an independent browser window that is not attached to the WordPress attached browser.

              It is not working on chrome and firefox browsers. Do we need to readjust the WP Super Cache again?

              Admin & Mod

                the update should not have affected anything on that front ( i downgraded here to the version you have and there are no ill effects)

                can you turn off the caching for the moment and let me know when you have done so ? (will at least circumvent one possible issue – although this shouldnt have anything to do with it , but worth a shot for starters)

                Admin & Mod

                  ok, your issue seems to be here:

                  something somewhere inserts this (i’ll have a look in a minute why that may be , but just posting this first):

                  var getElementsByClassName=function(a,b,c){if(document.getElementsByClassName){getElementsByClassName=function(a,b,c){c=c||document;var d=c.getElementsByClassName(a),e=b?new RegExp("\\b"+b+"\\b","i"):null,f=[],g;for(var h=0,i=d.length;h<i;h+=1){g=d[h];if(!e||e.test(g.nodeName)){f.push(g)}}return f}}else if(document.evaluate){getElementsByClassName=function(a,b,c){b=b||"*";c=c||document;var d=a.split(" "),e="",f="",g=document.documentElement.namespaceURI===f?f:null,h=[],i,j;for(var k=0,l=d.length;k<l;k+=1){e+="[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' "+d[k]+" ')]"}try{i=document.evaluate(".//"+b+e,c,g,0,null)}catch(m){i=document.evaluate(".//"+b+e,c,null,0,null)}while(j=i.iterateNext()){h.push(j)}return h}}else{getElementsByClassName=function(a,b,c){b=b||"*";c=c||document;var d=a.split(" "),e=[],f=b==="*"&&c.all?c.all:c.getElementsByTagName(b),g,h=[],i;for(var j=0,k=d.length;j<k;j+=1){e.push(new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+d[j]+"(\\s|$)"))}for(var l=0,m=f.length;l<m;l+=1){g=f[l];i=false;for(var n=0,o=e.length;n<o;n+=1){i=e[n].test(g.className);if(!i){break}}if(i){h.push(g)}}return h}}return getElementsByClassName(a,b,c)},
                  dropdowns = getElementsByClassName( 'dropdown-menu' );
                  for ( i=0; i<dropdowns.length; i++ )
                  dropdowns[i].onchange = function(){ if ( this.value != '' ) window.location.href = this.value; }

                  if i take this out , it works just fine…..

                  Admin & Mod

                    now i see you cleared the cache , seem to work fine now , no ?


                      It seems to be working now. I don’t know what just happened. Did you just remove an insert? It seems to be going well…

                      Admin & Mod

                        nothing wrong with caching things (in fact i’m all for it) but you should really clear any caches after plugin updates (in fact the caching plugin should actually alert you to that fact)

                        Admin & Mod

                          > Did you just remove an insert

                          i didnt do anything (other than trying to figure out what the deal is)
                          i assume it was a caching issue (my best guess here)

                          Admin & Mod

                            by the way , you can probably just ignore what i said about that script above
                            probably was just an overlap in between you clearing the cache and me taking out that script and it suddenly working


                              Thanks Olly, Would you check and look at the order online page? I need to know if you click on Craft Your Own Pizza and see if the page will let you pick your ingredients. If you click on Craft Your Own Pizza you should see a the options to select your ingredients. That’s going on now for me. I was hoping you could see if it works for you.

                              Admin & Mod

                                all fine and working here…


                                  Perfect. Once again, you’re my hero. Tell you what…getting this thing working makes it mean that I should be able to help anyone get their restaurant online project working. Thanks…

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