Additive Sorting Problems on tpl

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Additive Sorting Problems on tpl

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  • #4566

      There is a counting bug for the aditives. If you have 1-9 aditives you will not notice this, but if you are having more than 10 the template is shwoing like this:

      (1)glutenhaltig (10)Schwefloxid und Sulfite (11)Sellerieerzeugnisse (12)Senferzeugnisse (13)Sesamerzeugnisse (14)Sojaerzeugnisse (15)Stabilisatoren (16)Stevia (17)Süßstoffe (2)künstl. oder natürliche Farbverstärker (3)Krebstiererzeugnisse (4)Milcherzeugnisse (einschl. Laktose) (5)Schalenfrüchte (Mandeln, Nüsse, Pistazien) (6)Ei-Erzeugnisse (7)Erdnusserzeugnisse (8)Fischerzeugnisse (9)Konservierungsstoffe

      Admin & Mod

        it’s a case of how the sorting is implemented (i.e 2 > 19 as 2>1 etc)
        i’ll fix that

        PS: as you rightly said, i never noticed as I never tested this with more than 9 additives

        thanks for letting me know


          On back-office I’ve sorted them in alphabetic order, but on template it comes 1, 10, 11 …. 2, 20, 21….

          Thank you for debugging.

          Admin & Mod

            will be fixed in next version (out in a few days i would hope once I have added a few more options i want to add)

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