Adjusting the ingredients grid

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Adjusting the ingredients grid

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  • #35364
    Kim Koldtoft

      Hi Olly.

      I am in the process of “re-setting up” WP-Pizza with the newest versions of all the plugins, and have rediscovered my love for this great set of plugins.

      I wanted to create a task for a developer in regards to styling the grid layout of the ingredients popup window OR making it a step by step thing, where you have to go threw a step for each ingredient group.

      As for the grid.
      Right now my ingredients window looks like this

      Ingredients grid

      but I would like to adapt the grid to look more like this
      Grid new (photoshopeed)

      Do you have any advice on how approach changing the grid to better utilize the space, when having so many ingredients? Is this something that you would generally advise against?

      Having it scale and stack properly on smaller device is a big priority too, which it does ok now I think. But I am not very happy with how it looks on desktop.

      As for the step by step.
      Do you know if this is something that anyone else has done successfully and is this something you could give any kind of advice on how to approach, or perhaps why not to?

      Thank you in advance and have fantastic day.

      Sandbox – work in progress

      Admin & Mod

        the whole layout there is done with css and media queries anyway so you could simply use the classes, id’s and elements provided (there are loads of them ) to overwrite things as needed
        i.e float or scale things as is appropriate for your particular setup (but make sure to test things on different screensizes)

        >Do you know if this is something that anyone else has done successfully
        probably, but i don’t know any particular examples off hand and – in any case – what’s suitable for your groups and ingredients available is probably unique to your site.

        i would not advise against doing it as such, but i can tell you that it needs a lot of fiddling with if you want to do it
        i’m sure in some scenarios and for some themes what’s there can be bettered, but of course , i am only trying to offer something that’s universally acceptable for all scenarios (as much as this is possible)

        Kim Koldtoft

          Thank you, I will take a look at adjusting the grid for starters 🙂 Then maybe later work on a step-by-step version if the client wants to pay for it.

          Thanks again.

          Admin & Mod

            > if the client wants to pay for it.
            sure. (building websites is not a charitable event after all 🙂 )

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