Difference between total and "Minimum Total" ??

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support Add-Ons Extensions Delivery By Post/Zipcode Support Difference between total and "Minimum Total" ??

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  • #12178


      Today i bought this extension and I have first problem.

      Photos on dropbox

      You could add the highlighted option on problem.jpg from general plugin WPPizza (image in dropbox folder) to Delivery By Post/ZipCode extension?

      I want to be able to order it by paying the difference between total and “Minimum Total” set in WPPizza > Post/Zip Codes > Delivery Options (order.jpg and delivery-options.png in dropbox folder).

      Please help me and sorry for my english…
      5! 🙂

      Admin & Mod

        you have set your minimum order (for demo3 here) to 80 but there’s only 17.50 in the cart. you probably want to set minimum order to 0


          Thanks for your reply,
          I know that. Check your-set.jpg (in the same dropbox folder).

          If someone is in the area demo3 and order the products for 79 will pay for the delivery of 5.

          If, however, order the products for 13 it will pay for the delivery of a 5. – It is unprofitable for the restaurant, which is to supply products to the area demo3.

          It would be better if the client with the area demo3 have to pay at least 80 zł, if not it would have to pay delivery costs difference.

          Do you understand what I mean?

          Admin & Mod

            >Do you understand what I mean?
            not sure.

            that said, if you set “fixed delivery charges if free total not reached” to 0.00 and have – in wppizza->order settings – “Deliver even when total order value is below minimum” checked, it will use the difference between items in cart and free delivery value as delivery costs.

            i.e items =17.00
            free delivery @ 80.00
            calculated delivery charges = 63.00


              Please check the dropbox folder again -> example1.jpg
              I added the picture, which may explain the problem.


              Admin & Mod

                your minimum order value is still set to 80.00

                if minimum set to 80.00 minimum *items* have to be 80 to buy
                if minimum set to 20.00 for example minimum *items* have to be 20 to buy
                if at the same time “delivery free above 80” , delivery charges will be 80-item value….

                regarding your note on the screenshot: “now i cant see any other area because I turned off extension” —- of course you can’t . you turned it off…

                Admin & Mod

                  in other words.
                  if you set minimum order value to 80 and free delivery above 80, there will NEVER be any delivery charges as you will not be able to order anything anyway until your items have reached 80.00


                    OK, I know this, but in general settings i can set:
                    “Deliver even when total order value is below minimum (the difference between total and “Minimum Total” above will be added to the Total as “Delivery Charges”)
                    (If this is not selected and the total order is below the set value above, the customer will not be able to submit the order to you)”

                    You can not add the option for this extension?
                    The customer with the demo3 area could order food for 78 and pay 2 for delivery.
                    In the current situation must look for something in store for 2 to have the opportunity to order.

                    I know that I have set the limit order. There must be a limit because below 80 shuttle does not pay.

                    Admin & Mod

                      >….in general settings i can set:“Deliver even…..
                      >..You can not add the option for this extension?…

                      you do not need to, it’s a global setting that applies

                      >In the current situation must look for something in store for 2 to have the opportunity to order.
                      because you set minimum order to 80….


                        It works … I removed the minimum value of the order and work.
                        I’m sorry for the confusion … I was sure it was checked …

                        Very very sorry.
                        Thank you for your help and for a great plug 🙂

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