WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress › Support › General Support › Failed orders
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- 13 May, 2020 at 4:59 pm #48820
Had a few people report that they got an error (simple “website says error” pop up” when trying to place an order. Most have been going through fine today but from the error logs we found the following at the time someone was having isses. Might be related to the other post I just made.
10000 | DB: Could not update order: INITIALIZED => FAILEDWPDB LAST QUERY (*might* be related): SELECT *, order_date as date_sort, ‘1’ as blog_id FROM wpdp_wppizza_orders WHERE hash = ‘b54c7df9499f9af170a843944f52360f045f26c8bb7cb35a2f73c716292508c0e7dbc2cc4451083a0ac3516c2379e1f0’ AND payment_status IN (‘UNCONFIRMED’,’INPROGRESS’) ORDER BY date_sort DESC LIMIT 0, 1
LAST PHP ERROR (*might* be related): Undefined index: ordervars IN FILE: “/home/calderwo/public_html/order/wp-content/plugins/wppizza/classes/class.wppizza.order_execute.php” ON LINE: “641”PARAMETERS RECEIVED
[code] => parameter_invalid_integer
[doc_url] => https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/parameter-invalid-integer
[message] => This value must be greater than or equal to 1.
[param] => amount
[type] => invalid_request_error
[order_date] => Array
[type] => %s
[data] => 2020-05-13 15:13:49
)[order_date_utc] => Array
[type] => %s
[data] => 2020-05-13 14:13:49
)[transaction_id] => Array
[type] => %s
[data] => 1589382829
)[transaction_errors] => Array
[type] => %s
[data] => a:5:{s:4:”code”;s:25:”parameter_invalid_integer”;s:7:”doc_url”;s:61:”https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/parameter-invalid-integer”;s:7:”message”;s:46:”This value must be greater than or equal to 1.”;s:5:”param”;s:6:”amount”;s:4:”type”;s:21:”invalid_request_error”;}
)[display_errors] => Array
[type] => %s
[data] => a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:8:”critical”;b:0;s:8:”error_id”;s:25:”parameter_invalid_integer”;s:13:”error_message”;s:46:”This value must be greater than or equal to 1.”;}}
)[payment_status] => Array
[type] => %s
[data] => FAILED
13 May, 2020 at 5:02 pm #48826i’ll close this topic here as it’s the same (related) issue at https://www.wp-pizza.com/topic/stripe-error/
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