Google Map Location and save IP-Adress from customer

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support Feature Requests Google Map Location and save IP-Adress from customer

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  • #12507

      Hello, I would add 2 features.

      First one is a simple Google Map Image which shows the ordered location and the location from the restaurant. So the driver can look on the paper and do not need to use navigation.

      Second one is that if someone orders something the IP-Adress will be saved. If someone orders many fun orders you have the IP to deal with it.

      Admin & Mod

        >a simple Google Map Image which shows the ordered location…
        there is nothing “simple” about getting the order location based on what address people input in some form

        >if someone orders something the IP-Adress will be saved…
        it already is actually and i could – optionally – display it somewhere.

        however, using ip addresses to identify people doing fake orders (if that is what you are referring to) is VERY simple to circumvent as well as VERY unreliable.
        i can easily do 10 orders on your site from 10 different ip addresses without any effort so the above would not help you at all


          sure but not everyone know how to make orders from different ip-adresses.
          can you tell me how i can send the IP-Adress with the ordermail? Thank you!

          Admin & Mod

            > but not everyone know how to make orders from different ip-adresses

            but the people who want to send fake orders are the ones that most likely do know


              sure but a little safety is not wrong or? If someone does not know and do it we could have at least something in our hand :))

              “can you tell me how i can send the IP-Adress with the ordermail? Thank you!” would be nice 🙂

              Admin & Mod

                there are a ton of action hooks you can use for this sort of thing.

                for example

                funstion some_function($param){

                or something along those lines

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