Google Maps and Menu Item modifiers

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support Feature Requests Google Maps and Menu Item modifiers

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  • #22533


      I recently installed WP-Pizza on a fresh WordPress installation. The domain is different then our pizzeria’s main website, as I plan on linking to it later once I have it setup. I added an SSL certificate to the site, signed up for Stripe payment processing and then purchased the WP-Pizza Extensions Bundle and Stripe Gateway.

      I have been populating the menu the last few days and am almost complete. The stripe gateway was setup easily and the delivery module seems to be working with my list of enabled zip codes for delivery. When I enable the Google Maps to determine zipcodes the address for delivery wont stay as entered. By this I mean when i start typing an address down the street from the pizzeria the autofill box appears with completed addresses and once selected the appropriate one it will then fill in an address with a different street number a couple of numbers off. I think this has to do with the placement of the map marker and I realize this an experimental feature but wanted to fill you in on my experience. The google maps feature would keep the order page from loading at all without a Google Maps API key.

      The other issue I am experiencing is when populating our menu there isn’t a simple way to add forced modifiers. I know I can add an ingredients list for a given “size” and then appropriate that to a custom group for a given menu item which worked well for the salad dressings options it seems cumbersome to do that for every individual item that has options for preparation. Such an example would be our Chicken Parmesan can be prepared either breaded or sauteed. I can add “ingredients” breaded and sauteed and then add to a custom group and enable a unique size for just chicken parmesan but there is probably a better way to execute such item variation. This is not a complaint but a recommendation or inquiry if I have ignorantly missed the proper way to add variations.

      When a customer is about to place an order and does so it would be nice for them to have the ability to register an account on the site that would keep their order history and keep their preferred address for delivery. I periodically order sandwiches online from Jimmy Johns (US franchise?) and am easily able to reorder a past order as to speed things up. I don’t think I would want to keep payment method on hand as the PCI compliance requirements and stripe integration would be burdensome.

      Admin & Mod

        First of all, thanks for the feedback.
        Secondly – in no particular order – allow me to respond to a few things regarding your post

        >> when i start typing an address down the street from the pizzeria the autofill box appears with completed addresses and once selected the appropriate one it will then fill in an address with a different street number a couple of numbers off

        there isn’t anything i can do. addresses are chosen by google depending on where you or your customers are (one of the reasons why it is – and probably will always be – marked as experimental)

        >>The google maps feature would keep the order page from loading at all without a Google Maps API key.

        yes, I know.
        until about a couple of months ago or so, an API key was not strictly required by google. this is not the case anymore and you will always need (and enter) one – i guess i should somewhat update the explanatory text in the plugin which I believe does not spell this out at the moment

        >>add forced modifiers…
        without at least seeing your site i cannot recommend/say anything.

        all i can say is this:
        there isn’t really a wrong or a right way of doing things. whatever works for you is what counts really.
        however, i have also seen many installations/settings where the way ingredients/options were added could have been made *a lot* more efficient/simpler (mostly unnecessary duplication of things)

        But, with forever more and more options added to the AI plugin comes also the possibility to overcomplicate things even if that would not be needed in many scenarios.

        Unfortunately , there’s not much I can do there as I will certainly not take away existing options

        In summary, the options are there, it’s for you to set/use them in the way it suits you. There are often different ways to do the same thing – all depends on your needs

        >> it would be nice for them to have the ability to register an account…etc

        this is already the case (and has been for months, if not years), but you must enable “anyone can register” (there are already many topics here on this forum regarding this) and enable/set the form fields you want to register (wppizza->order form)
        that said, the users purchase history does not allow for re-ordering of previous orders as it is at the moment. this is one of the (many) added things that will be available in 3.x when it is released

        I think that’s it for the moment from me.
        In any event, thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts/experiences etc

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