Limit changes and half/half menu items

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support Add-Ons Extensions Add Ingredients Support Limit changes and half/half menu items

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      I have 2 questions. know this’ll involve some programming on my part, but would appreciate some suggestions.

      I’m making a website for a pizza place with locations. I’ve already figured out a way to modify the Google Cloud Print addon to print at different locations depending on pickup location or delivery source.
      The customer is requesting 2 more features:

      1. I have set up the entire pizza menu with preselected ingredients. For menu pizzas they only allow you to remove and/or add 2 ingredients. How would I implement this?

      2. Allow customers to order different menu items for each half. For example, only have menu pizza 1 on half, and then menu pizza 2 on the other. (Right now I can only seem to put a menu pizza on the whole pizza, and then only adjust the toppings for each half)

      Admin & Mod

        re 1: just set the relevant restrictions in the custom groups

        re 2: if you want to add a menu item as ingredient, you’ll have to add it as ingredient
        have a look here at the “pizza half and half”.
        hawaiian, italien, sicilian etc are just added toppings (just change these to the pizzas you want to be able to choose from)


          Okay, so there would be no way to remove/add toppings?

          Admin & Mod

            huh ? what do you mean by there is “no way to remove / add toppings” ?
            that’s the point of the whole thing

            i must be missing something..


              Let’s put it this way

              #1 has pepperoni, onions, mushrooms and peppers
              #2 has ham, pineapple, cream cheese and bacon

              customer wants to order half #1 + half #2, but exclude the cream cheese. If I just add the name of the pizza as an ingredient, they can’t do that, can they?

              Admin & Mod

                you are right. you cannot do that .
                the plugin allows to add toppings to a base so to speak. it does not cater for adding/chaining menu items to menu items (and then adding / substracting toppings for those subitems)


                  Regarding the change limit:
                  How do I limit that? I have a pizza with 6 PRESELECTED toppings, but I only want the customer to be able to remove a maximum of 2 and/or add a maximum of 2.

                  Admin & Mod

                    something like this i would have thought screenshot

                    although -if you also have preselected things – one would still be able to remove items to below 4, one would not actually be able to add it to the cart, so you might want to add something to the label of the group like “minimum of 4 maximum of 8” or some such thing

                    Admin & Mod

                      PS: i will have a look at adding an alert of some sort before trying to add to cart when removing below 4 instead of waiting until the user is actually trying to add it to the cart.If memory serves me right, the restriction(s) were added before the ability to pre-select things so did not take the possibility into consideration that things might already have been added.

                      anyway, i’ll see what i can come up with there

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