Link to map

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  • #56686

    Hello! Good day to you!
    Just bought the “DELIVERY BY POSTCODE” extension, I am going to use it for calculating the delivery charge by distance, it works after testing. But is it possible to make the marked address (which identified by Google Map) to become a “url link”, so that my delivery driver can click on that link on the order received message? Please see the pics I share in the link below. Thank you!


    Admin & Mod

      you could use the [wppizza_dbp_map] shortcode which does that and more
      see here:

      or add your orderhistory shortcode somewhere and setup the address as outlined here (which will make it a link)

      or filter your emails like so (adjust as required)

      add_filter('wppizza_filter_template_customer_section','my_email_template_markup', 100, 4 );
      function my_email_template_markup($section, $template_type, $template_id, $order){
      if($template_type == 'emails'){
      $field_id = 'wppizza-dbp-map-location';
      $section[$field_id] ='<tr><td style="text-align: left; padding: 2px; white-space:nowrap; vertical-align:top;">'.$order['customer'][$field_id]['label'].'</td><td style="text-align: right;padding: 2px;;"><a href="[some link to some mapping site with the address/apikey/etc  added as necessary]">'.$order['customer'][$field_id]['value'].'</a></td></tr>';
      return $section;	
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