Multisite licence: where to buy it?

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Multisite licence: where to buy it?

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  • #8938

      I was reading that if someone want to build a network of restaurants like a broker or something like that he has to buy a multisite license. In this website I see links to buy gateway and other extensions but where there is the possibility to buy the multisite licence?
      IS the multisite licence giving something more of the basic singlesite “free” code?

      Admin & Mod

        >where there is the possibility to buy the multisite licence
        every extension/plugin has a multisite license option…(?!)

        >basic singlesite “free” code
        the free code you are talking about I assume is the main wppizza plugin which is GPL licensed and is the same for multisite and singlesite (but i’m not 100% sure if that was your question)


          for a wordpress multisite simply select the unlimited sites license when purchasing extensions or gateways

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