Order History>> “Today Only” toggle

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support Feature Requests Order History>> “Today Only” toggle

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  • #49639

      Hi Olly, I’d like to submit a feature request.

      On the Order History page, it would be great to have a toggle (maybe checkbox) that would switch between today’s orders and all orders.

      I understand I can use a filter to permanently filter for today only, and we use that (It gets confusing during busy times to have previous days orders on screen), but if a customer calls and asks about a previous order we can not easily access it, and we lose other functionality like customer history.

      Thank you for your consideration!

      Admin & Mod

        >but if a customer calls and asks about a previous order we can not easily access it
        as of 3.12.10 “Wppizza -> order history” includes a searchtool that lets you search for orders by email, order id (the actual id in the db) or transaction id , within the selected status from the dropdown options

        regarding a “today” toggle : I’ll make a note of that , but i cannot give you any ETA as to when (or even if at all) this will be added to the plugin I’m afraid


          Yes, but if we have adjusted to show today’s orders only, the search box no longer works, or rather will only show query results for current day. Thanks for considering it as an addition to the plugin.

          Admin & Mod

            just wrap your conditional when restricting to todays orders in an empty($_GET['s']) or something along those lines
            (not tested though, but off the top of my head this might be what you are looking for )

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