Order Number

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  • #10073


      is it possible to start with a new order number every day, maybaby with 1 or with date and 1.

      Our where i can change this code COD143223710993/93??

      I have an long number Bezahlt durch: Barzahlung bei Lieferung (COD143223710993/93)

      Admin & Mod

        >Our where i can change this code
        you don’t

        >it possible to start with a new order number every day..
        use the following filter as you want to

        add_filter( 'wppizza_custom_transaction_id', 'myprefix_custom_transaction_id', 10, 2);
        function myprefix_custom_transaction_id($transactionId, $orderId){
        do whatever you need to do with the $transactionId
        return $transactionId;
        Admin & Mod

          Note, this will NOT change the entry in the db. only in emails and order history.

          if you change this filter at any time later , the order history will display this new value whereas already sent emails will not (clearly)

          in short – as with all code snippets – use at your own risk

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