Order sorting no longer working with pre-order times

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Order sorting no longer working with pre-order times

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  • #54658
    Alison Grant

      Hi Oliver,

      After yesterday successfully not dragging you down my rabbit hole, I’m afraid I’m popping up again!
      Yesterday I updated all the WP Pizza plugins whilst trying to fix the client’s issue.

      However today their order sorting isn’t working. They like the order listing to be in pre-order time.
      In pre-order there is a tick next to:
      Order Sorting: Sort your orderhistory according to preorder times requested instead of the date/time the order was made
      But orders are only appearing in the order they have been received. I have tried unticking and saving, then re-ticking and saving. No caching is enabled on the site.

      There is a small difference in the order history listing:
      When order sorting is checked this is the list:

      When order sorting is not checked this is the list:

      But neither is correct! Please can you help?

      Admin & Mod

        Works all fine here but I cannot know all your settings

        To allow me to investigate in detail with your exact setup, please do the following:
        a) Install duplicator on your site (https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicator/)
        b) then create a package and make that package and the associated installer.php available for me to download somewhere so I can use an exact clone of your site here and see if I can somehow reproduce this without having to touch anything on your actual install.

        Thank you

        PS: when you let me know here in this forum here where to download those files, mark your reply as “private” before posting

        Alison Grant
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          Admin & Mod

            thanks, will get back to you when i know more (I have deleted the links above – no need to keep them here for posterity)

            Admin & Mod

              haven’t forgotten, just having problems reliably reproducing this here . I managed to force this issue somehow a few times but am not yet quite certain what combination of settings this is exactly caused by unfortunately…. i’ll keep at it though – just thought I’d let you know
              thanks for your patience

              Alison Grant

                Thanks for the update – appreciate it 🙂

                Admin & Mod

                  quick update:
                  i believe as of version 3.6.4 (of the preorder plugin) this is now fixed, but let me know if you still have issues of course

                  Alison Grant

                    Hey Olly
                    Thanks so much. Customer reports that it’s all fixed. 🙂
                    However they’re also reporting that since the update they’re getting lots of order confirmation emails for customers being bounced back to them. Can you confirm that’s just coincidence and nothing to do with the update?

                    Admin & Mod

                      That update (in fact that whole plugin) hos nothing at all to do with email deliveries / bounces etc .
                      so – unless I am completely misunderstanding what you mean by “order confirmation emails for customers being bounced back ” this has nothing at all to do with that update or indeed that plugin

                      Alison Grant
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                        Admin & Mod

                          >…I ask the question…
                          fair enough though – no harm done in asking i would say . not everyone knows or is supposed to know how this stuff works of course. They are producing food, not software, after all.

                          Admin & Mod
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