Problem with adding ingredient on order form

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support Add-Ons Extensions Add Ingredients Support Problem with adding ingredient on order form

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  • #19846

      Hi Olly,

      Could you please take a look at what’s going wrong here?

      When I order two of the same sandwiches, each with another sort of bread. There are two items in the order form. When I change the bread on either one of them, into the same as the other is (follow?) The whole item disappears from the order form. I don’t get two of the same sandwiches with the same bread. Just one. It would make sense if the total number of sandwiches added up automatically, but that is not what’s happening.

      Should I do something in the configuration?
      Thanks Dagmar

      Admin & Mod

        for starters, your theme loads an external version of jquery instead of the one that ships with wordpress

        you also have the following error
        Uncaught TypeError: $(…).live is not a function in

        this might or might not be the issue (and my guess is , at least the Uncaught TypeError is related to the jquery version loaded). either way, this should be rectified to be able to say anything more

        Admin & Mod

          that said, having a play around with it here , i can (sometimes) reproduce this.
          will need to find out under what circumstances and will fix things if needed

          thanks for reporting


            Thank you, I deactivated the Simplemodal-login and asked the theme builders for support on the JQuery issue. Hope you can find out more.

            bye Dagmar

            Admin & Mod

              i dont thinks its your theme that changes the jquery version, but some other plugin or custom coding


                Since I myself am not in the coding business…. it must be one of the plugins. I will look in to it and hope I can find the culprit.

                Thank you

                Admin & Mod

                  should be fixed in
                  (one of these difficult to find, easy to fix things)

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