Recipient's email spoofed

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  • #8973

      Hello sir, thanks first for the plugin.

      Now all is working fine apart from that our recipients order mail gets spoofed. I’ve read that the reason can be that the order email is directed to our mail and the CC to the recipient which leads some servers to think its spam. Do we switch the receiver and CC around or will that maybe cause us not to get our email?
      Whichever works!

      Thanks in advance for your time 🙂


      Admin & Mod

        that’s a question you have to ask your host / mail / server administrator


          Dear sir, thanks for your response.

          This message came from our hosting giving us this exact advice.

          “The form puts the addressed as CC. This means that some servers don’t accept the email”.

          So how can we switch it around?

          Thanks for your help

          Admin & Mod

            you are telling me that , (some) servers (allegedly) do not accept email because there is a cc in it ?

            that makes no sense as that would mean nobody on that server would ever receive any cc’s addressed to him/her.

            i highly doubt that that is the issue


              No, I think it is more like an online form is sending an e-mail filled with prices to a cc address having the spam blocker persume its an automated online form being a dick and sending pay your bill spam.

              Is there a way to say “we are legit”? Maybe then not through your form but in another way?

              If you know anyhting that would be very helpful. In the mean time i’ve send another mail to the admin

              Thanks again

              Admin & Mod

                >Is there a way to say “we are legit”?

                the first thing is to make sure your servers spf and mx records etc have been set correctly
                and your server is not blacklisted anywhere (both of the above should be obvious , but would not be the first time that this is messed up on a server)

                b) make sure you have set a static from address (wppizz->order settings ->from address ) to be an address that matches your server if you haven’t done that yet
                (though there is a big red warning at the top of every page if that is not set – unless it has been switched of forcefully)

                c) if things are marked as spam somewhere, ask the receiver (i.e where it is marked as spam) as to why it was marked as such (which will give you an idea as to why and where to look)

                Admin & Mod

                  my guess btw (although i cannot be certain) is that it has nothing to do with numbers etc in the email body , but something with the mail server setup or ip being blacklisted (or both)


                    I have set a static mail now (b ) i think the one who set up the page has forcefully shut it off . We will soon see if it helped or not .

                    So far i say thanks and if anything changes you’ll see me back ; )


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