Reports: File Location

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  • #8653
    Shareef El-Hamawy

      which file is used for modifying the back end reports…
      best selling items, All sales total…
      I would like to modify it

      Admin & Mod

        these files are not modifiable.
        you will never be able to update the plugin again …

        Admin & Mod

          in any case , it’s pretty much pure javascript

          Shareef El-Hamawy

            I would like to add the worst sellers as well so that they will know what they are so they have the option to take that out.

            What do you recommend about having this put in…

            Admin & Mod

              >What do you recommend about having this put in…

              if you want, you can put it in the feature request section, but absolutely no guarantees when (if ever) i will be able to do anything about this

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