Single item size?

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  • #20246
    Lord Corwin

      Is there a reason why no Item size shows for single items? I have setup say, a soda with a single size listed and while all the other items with multiple items show their sizes appropriately, the items with no size, or just one size don’t show theirs at all. Is there a way to adjust this? So even if I only offer one size of baked pasta, I can list it as large like the other menu items?

      Admin & Mod

        >Is there a reason why no Item size shows for single items?
        probably, but not due to the wppizza plugin as it is

        simple default install demo:
        single sizes show just fine

        mybe you have another issue. enable debug

        > Is there a way to adjust this
        there’s nothing to adjust . your problem is elsewhere

        without a link I can only guess …

        Lord Corwin
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          Admin & Mod

            ok, i was thinking the price/size is not showing at all.
            anyway , are these actually labelled in wppizza->sizes ?

            Lord Corwin

              yeah, they’ve all got labels like 20oz or Regular or whatever, they just aren’t showing up.

              Admin & Mod

                show me a screenshot of that admin page please (ore give me admin access – set reply as private – so i can have a look)

                Admin & Mod

                  oh , and a screenshot of the -for example – “Fanta: Strawberry” menu item settings

                  Lord Corwin
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                    Admin & Mod
                      This reply has been marked as private.
                      Lord Corwin

                        ready when you are 🙂

                        Admin & Mod

                          ok, downloaded and will investigate.
                          will let you know when I know
                          (not before tomorrow though. kind of late here)

                          Lord Corwin

                            yeah I’m kind of in netflix mode for the night myself. Thanks for checking it out though, I still have plenty to do in the mean time 😉

                            Admin & Mod

                              actually an easy fix (and you were right when asking is there a way to adjust this)
                              not actually a fix, but intentional as it were

                              boils down to this (i actually forgot about this setting)

                              wppizza->layout ->Hide pricetier name and cart icon if item has only one size

                              just disable that….

                              Lord Corwin

                                Lol, nice. always something simple. Thanks for the assistance!

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