Single Menu Item cannot be added to the cart !

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Single Menu Item cannot be added to the cart !

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  • #38063
    Man Py

      Hi Olly, I hope you are doing fine šŸ™‚

      I have a small problem with the shortcodes. I am trying to showcase each item with it’s own id [wppizza single=’11’].
      But it is not possible to add it to the cart when I click on it.

      Everything works fine when I use the category shortcode: [wppizza category= ‘beef’]
      Only single items are not being added.

      I hope you could help me solve this problem šŸ™

      Best Regards

      Admin & Mod

        i would need a link to the site/url where your single items are

        Man Py
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          Admin & Mod

            have these menu items – where you are using the [wppizza single=’x’] shortcode been assigned to a category ?

            Man Py

              Yes, I have used it with the both ways:
              [wppizza single=’575′ showadditives=’0′]
              [wppizza category ‘beef’ single=’575′ showadditives=’0′]

              Admin & Mod

                (i dont even know why you would want to use the single shortcode on that page anyway if you are displaying a list of items in a category in the first place it seems)

                Admin & Mod

                  >Yes, I have used it with the both ways
                  no , you misunderstood.
                  the question is: have you assigned an/the item – in the wppizza *admin* – to a category

                  Admin & Mod

                    actually, I just tried to reproduce this here and i – surprisingly I must admit – get the same result (i.e problem)
                    seems something is not right with that shortcode i need to fix in the next update (hopefully later today)
                    so bear with me for a bit please

                    (although i still don’t understand why you want to use the single shortcode here – but it’s up to you of course)

                    Man Py

                      I just want to be able to show the product with it’s price and be able to add it to the cart (separately). Every Burger with it’s Picture and the price and details (if there is any suggestion or easier way please let me know)

                      And of course, the category has been created “beef” and the items have been assigned to it; while adding a new one, that is why it shows the items when using the -> show category shortcode.

                      I have used this in Wppizza 2 and it worked fine šŸ™

                      The 2 options that I have seen to be working are:
                      That I use the shortcode [wppizza category=’!all’ exclude=’6,5,8′], but that would be a lot of work considering that I have over 50 items in each category :/
                      That I manually Type the name and the Description and add the Button Shortcode
                      [wppizza type=’add_item_to_cart_button’ id=’6′]

                      Isn’t there any fix for the Single Item? Please help me out or any other way to do it?

                      Best Regards

                      Man Py

                        Sorry ignore my last message. I will wait for the update. Thanks a lot šŸ™‚

                        Admin & Mod

                          >Sorry ignore my last message.
                          yeah, i thought we might be crossing posts here. no problem

                          not withstanding the “single” issue here, when you are saying

                          I just want to be able to show the product with itā€™s price and be able to add it to the cart (separately). Every Burger with itā€™s Picture and the price and details (if there is any suggestion or easier way please let me know)

                          why not simply using your 10 or so different shortcodes on that page ?

                          [wppizza category=ā€™beefā€™]
                          [wppizza category=ā€™cheeseā€™]
                          [wppizza category=ā€™whateverā€™] ….

                          (though i realize you would have to add more if you ever add another category)

                          or if you use
                          [wppizza category=ā€™!allā€™] it would do exactly that . i.e “show the product with itā€™s price and be able to add it to the cart (separately)”

                          still not sure why you want to mess around with lots of “single” shortcodes….(but i am probably missing something)

                          Man Py

                            The thing is for example if I write: [wppizza category=’burgers’]

                            All the items assigned to the category “Burgers” will appear. Where I only want to show one single item under each burger i.e: [wppizza single=ā€™cheeseburgerā€™], [wppizza single=ā€™119ā€™] etc.

                            Best Regards

                            Admin & Mod

                              nope, i still dont get it. why do you assign multiple items to a category if you only want one to be shown anyway

                              (PS: [wppizza single=ā€™cheeseburgerā€™] is not a valid shortcode)

                              Man Py

                                In order to add Extra Ingredients easily to the Items assigned to a category. And not have to do it separately for every item :/

                                Admin & Mod

                                  for example on your site you have a category “beefburgers” under which you have a hamburger and a cheeseburge
                                  so if you create a category called “beefburgers” and assign your hamburger and a cheeseburge to it
                                  and simply add [wppizza category=”beefburgers”] it displays the same thing …. (i really dont get it, sorry)

                                  Admin & Mod

                                    i cant see the ingredients problem either to be honest, but only you will know what works for you
                                    anyway, let me get on with fixing that shortcode/single issue

                                    Man Py
                                      This reply has been marked as private.
                                      Man Py

                                        Hi Olly, Any update on the matter?
                                        I have stopped using any Categories…but still I am not able to add the item to the cart (until I refresh the page everytime I want to add something to the cart)

                                        Best Regards

                                        Admin & Mod

                                          just fixing a couple of other little things i’ve come across while investigating , almost there though

                                          Admin & Mod

                                            v3.6.1 should fix the single=”x” shortcode not working

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