Specials and sodas

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  • #9058
    Peter Weachter

      I bought the “add ingredients” extension. So, I want to do the following. A consumer buys the menu item “Small Hoagie, Fries, and Fountain Soda” They need to choose the type of “hoagie”(turkey, italian, etc…) and choose type of “soda” (coke, Sprite, etc…) How do I do this?

      Here is what I tried- I added “sub”(label) with a default price of 0 under “Meal Sizes”. I went to “ingredients” and added “Turkey”- chose “subs, left price 0, and checked “on”. I went to Custom Groups and added “Custom Ingredients Group”- under “select group to customise” I chose “sub”- Here is where I am lost- under “Assign to the following menu items”- nothing is there? What am I doing wrong?

      Admin & Mod

        that can really only mean that you have no menu item that belongs to that size group

        maybe this image helps to understand how it all fits together

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