Since major update, red dots everywhere

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Since major update, red dots everywhere

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      first of all, this update was awesone!
      The hole cart looks really nice now.

      But there is a problem i’ve got after the update:


      As you can see on the screenshot, i’ve got now everywhere this crappy red dots.
      Problem: I dunno where they came from! I can’t even find a hint of it in the .css.

      Same on non responsive:

      NON Responsive

      Because of this dots, my default .css seems not to work.
      Can you please tell me where i can deactivate the dots?
      (Before the major update, the dots where on the final order page, but i the actually state i wasn’t in the status fo the process to do changes on the order page)
      Is there now any new menu item in the settings which i didn’t saw?

      Kind regards,

      Admin & Mod

        i can assure you wppizza does not do dots (red or otherwise) but your theme does
        (it adds them to li elements as backgrounds)

        the “old” wppizza just overwrote them 3.x does not (but the next version will. i might as well put this overwrite back in)


          Oh…oh no… can you give me a hint how to overwrite them with wppizza? 😮

          Admin & Mod

              Phu okay i did it.
              I did it right in the theme. Blody hell!


              Admin & Mod

                >I did it right in the theme.
                why would you do that ? next time the theme updates your dots might well be back

                Admin & Mod

                  oh, i might have misunderstood.
                  perhaps you meant in the place the theme provides to add css…

                  anyway, as long as it works for you , we’re all happy 🙂

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