Search Results for 'sms'

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support Search Search Results for 'sms'

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  • #58304


      I am running WP-Pizza along with WinOrder.
      On another business I have another setup, which sends customers SMS confirmations once printed by WinOrder.
      Is it possible to set it up like that? If not possible (or plausible) to do it with WinOrder, is it possible to send SMS confirmations automatically without needing to go into the backend and confirming a customers order?

      Thanks in advance!


        Hi Guys

        I am looking around in this forum and seems that everybody uses goodcom.
        Can GoodCom reject/accept orders without using sms function?
        And where do you guys buy the printer from?

        Thanks in advance


        Topic: verify by sms

        in forum General Support

          I had some wrong orders someone made for fun. I would like now, that during the order process the telephone number of the customers be verified by sms. Is there a way to do this?

          Ferhat Yildiz

            Hello, i have a Problem…

            we will add a “Gateway” for us Page.
            Gateway is for “SMS Payment”.

            We will Customers can select sms payment…
            Problem is we have make copy the Gateway “payment to delivery Gateway” – not working.
            We can make a inviduell Gateway with us Text?

            Thank you 🙂


            Topic: Order SMS

            in forum General Support

              Dear Olly

              Is it possible that you can also receive orders via SMS?


              Roland van Balen

                Good afternoon,

                I can’t find the right extensions forum so I post my question here.
                We want to send only a text sms when the order is on its way.

                We like to display our company name in the sms (that’s possible with tm4b). in stead of our mobile number.
                We know that’s limited to one way communication but that’s fine for our purpose.


                Admin & Mod


                  re additional shipping fees: you could use the wppizza_filter_order_summary_session filter (you will have to recalculate totals etc again though)

                  see here

                  re SMS: a good starting point would probably be here:

                  (you will probably want to run an ajax function that does what your particular sms gateway needs it to do when the status changes to “processed” for example)


                    Hi there

                    Great to find someone who has got an SMS printer working with this plugin

                    Would love to check out the code behind it


                    Admin & Mod

                      you will have to use (and implement) an email 2 SMS gateway.
                      which one is suitable depends on your location as there are carrier charges involved.
                      if you search this forum for SMS , you will also find additional info

                      Admin & Mod

                        >This seems to be the big road block for taking online orders.

                        the problem of course is , that there is no generic way to do that which would work for everybody as it involves carrier costs and therefore everyone will want/need a different sms gateway which all have their own/different APIs

                        i am currently doing something integrating with tm4b ( as they send/deliver sms from/to pretty much every country on the planet and – from what i can see – are reasonably priced (although no doubt there are cheaper ones)

                        >Any progress?

                        having said that, do you have a gprs enabled printer i could send things to for some testing when I’m ready to do so (in a week or two I would have thought) to see how they print out ?

                        if one gets this to work with those tm4b guys one could – probably – more easily adapt this for other gatewys using their apis as one would hope one can just change a few api calls (dont hold me to that though, as of writing i have no idea as to whether that’s actually true)


                        In reply to: SMS When Order placed

                        Admin & Mod

                          this has been asked and answered many times for many scenarios
                          please search the forum

                          (see also


                          In reply to: verify by sms


                            You can do this using the Zapier email parser combined with Twilio. Once the order is placed you can fire an SMS to your client and have them confirm the order by replying to the SMS message. Make sure it is forwarded to your phone so you can receive the answer and then proceed to get the order completed.


                            In reply to: after every order

                            Admin & Mod

                              so, as an example to send an sms to the customer after the order has been completed:
                              (if you wanted to send a fax, or anything else for that matter, you can do something similar, depending and that particular api. the below should get you started though)

                              add_action( 'wppizza_on_order_executed', 'my_sms_function',null, 2 );
                              function my_sms_function($orderId, $orderTable) {
                              global $wpdb;
                              $getOrderDetails = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT customer_ini, customer_details ,order_ini, order_details FROM " .$wpdb->prefix . $orderTable . " WHERE id=".$orderId." ");
                              /*customer ini is a serialized array*/
                              /**if you just or additionally need all plaintext order and/or csutomer details as the appear in plaintext emails or need the whole array you can use any of the following*/
                              //$customerPlaintext=$getOrderDetails->customer_datails;/*customer data plaintext. might want to to a nl2br*/
                              //$orderPlaintext=$getOrderDetails->order_details;/*order data plaintext. might want to to a nl2br*/
                              //$customerDetailsArray=maybe_unserialize($getOrderDetails->customer_ini);/*customer data array*/
                              //$orderDetailsArray=maybe_unserialize($getOrderDetails->order_ini);/*order data array*/
                              // also available (amongst others but probebly the most useful):  order_date, transaction_id
                              /**so, assuming you are using the "ctel" field for the customer telephone number. (if you are using a custom field it would be ccustom1, ccustom2 etc)*/
                              /**now implement however your sms gateway implements things to send things to that tel no**/
                              //->send your sms to $customerTel

                              Admin & Mod

                                Sorry, but you are asking questions i cannot answer.

                                a) i know nothing about your printer, so anything related to that printer you will have to ask the manufacturer/merchant you bought it from

                                b) re: which SMS / Mail2Fax plugin…
                                there are no wppizza sms/mail2fax plugins.
                                there are however many (e)mail2fax services.
                                which one – if any – would be the right one in your circumstances i have no idea and cannot advise you (i do not even know or indeed understand why you would want any if you have a gprs printer)

                                all i can say is that there are codesnippets here you *might* be able to use with your setup/printer/smsgateway etc

                                how exactly you would have to code or setup things in your scenario I have no knowledge about.
                                I know nothing about your sms gateway, printer or any other API of anything else you are referring to above.

                                my *guess* would be the following:
                                you do not need to download any plugin, but will need someone to – programmatically – connect your printer using the API that your printer provides using the codesnippets.


                                In reply to: Confirm SMS Text

                                Admin & Mod

                                  I assume you are referring to the Confirm/Reject/Notify plugin (you did not say) so I created a forum(s) for it that did not exist. Thanks for pointing that out.

                                  Regarding your question, the CRN plugin has a filter you can use to add your branding like so (as you know, this will only work if using one-way communications):

                                  add_filter('wppizza_crn_sms_branding', 'mysmsbranding');
                                  function mysmsbranding($sms_sender_id){
                                  overwrite sender id as required (here set to MyShop123 )
                                  a-zA-Z0-9 (and spaces) only, 11 characters max
                                  $sms_sender_id = 'MyShop123';
                                  return $sms_sender_id;

                                  (not tested as such, but should work I would think)

                                    This reply has been marked as private.

                                    In reply to: after every order

                                    Admin & Mod

                                      as of v2.11.6 the following – somewhat less convoluted – could be used instead

                                      add_action( 'wppizza_on_order_executed', 'my_sms_email2fax_function');
                                      function my_sms_email2fax_function($orderId) {
                                      $orderDetails=new WPPIZZA_ORDER_DETAILS();
                                      customer details
                                      $customerDetails=$order['customer']['post'];//customer details
                                      other simplified variables to use if you want
                                      if you want to build your own output
                                      //$siteDetails=$order['site'];//site specifics - probably only  useful in multisite setups
                                      //$orderDetails=$order['ordervars'];//details of order (transaction id etc)
                                      //$txt=$order['localization'];//localization variables
                                      //$orderSummary=$order['summary'];//summary of order
                                      example to get you going:			
                                      if you were to un-comment the above
                                      simplified variables, the below $email variable
                                      would output the same details/html you will see
                                      when clicking on "print" in the admin order history
                                      next to an order
                                      //$email = ob_get_clean();
                                      [sms example - for this ignore the variables commented out above ]		
                                      assuming you are using the "ctel" field for the customer telephone number. 
                                      (if you are using a custom field for the customers tel no. it would be ccustom1, ccustom2 etc)
                                      /**now implement however your sms/email2fax gateway implements things to send things to that tel/fax no**/
                                      //->send your sms to $customerTel		
                                      //->send $email to email2fax gateway 
                                      //-> etc
                                      Admin & Mod

                                        i guess people get the printers from here (at least I know some do )

                                        some of the printers (but I do not know if all) DO support an accept/reject function and some will support WiFi as well as SMS (and some only WiFi, you’d have to look at a particular printers specification)

                                        however, the wppizza plugin itself does not “listen/talkto” – so to speak – to the printer rejecting/accepting/receiving an order.
                                        That said , I am in the middle of finalizing an addon (tested with the GT6000 as well as the newer GT90, so one would think it would work with other reasonably recent goodcom printers too) that will do that.

                                        Might be a week or two away though until this plugin will be released, as I need to tidy up a few things still

                                        hope that helps

                                        Admin & Mod

                                          the only way (I know of anyway) to automatically print is to have a net connected printer that does one of the following

                                          a) checks a set email account and prints anything that comes into that account
                                          b) a cloud print connected printer
                                          c) a printer that has some other interface to the net one could script things for
                                          d) a gprs enabled printer where you can send sms to

                                          all which will – at a minimum – require the printer to be connected to the net or phone network in some way and has (been given) permission to do the above


                                            @Silo I would recommend the Goodcom printers they are relatively easy to use after setup. You can use Wifi or sms and you can use reject/accept + give a time for delivery to orders.

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